It’s Thursday, it must be pizza

victoria —  September 16, 2004 — Leave a comment

In an effort to promote the boychick’s growth in the kitchen and, I am hopeful, to expand his palate beyond PB&J, i have agreed to his request that he be responsible for making dinner on Thursday nights.

Last week he made quesadillas, including grating the cheese. This week he wants to tackle home made pizza. This probably means more work for me, but I’m excited that he’s taking on something that will be a challenge for him.

Keifel is travelling for work today (much to my chagrin and his too) making dinner at the “Castle Keifovic,” as our friend Infozo refers to our house, just the boychick and me. It’s probably better that we are starting with a smaller pizza.

We can make my faster than a speeding Dominoes driver pizza crust dough and then slather it with this good Wild Oats brand pasta sauce. It will involve more grating of cheese and then on my half, sliced fresh tomato, my favorite pizza topping.

I’m just glad he is so interested and that it seems important to him to be contributing to the family meal planning. He will also get the benefit of being able to move out of the house when he goes off to college and not have to live on Lean Cuisine and take out.



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