Two posts in one day. Please, don’t be alarmed

victoria —  May 17, 2007 — 2 Comments

I just wanted to report a sighting of new Culinaria books. The Borders in Nashville on West End had Culinaria Germany, France and the one volume European Specialties. I was in a hurry and scanned to see if they had one I didn’t have, so I can’t say what the price was but I can say that they were in the bargain section as you walk in the door. Happy hunting.



2 responses to Two posts in one day. Please, don’t be alarmed

  1. God I love those books. Every once in awhile Costco has a motherload of them. At the moment I am searching diligently for America and the Caribbean.
    Have you seen the Mundi one yet? HUGE!

  2. They are utterly amazing. I have the Caribbean and American ones. They were the first two I bought and the Mundi one is on my list. Daedalus had it at Christmas but I got four other ones so that would’ve been a bit much. The wine one is really nice if you see it anywhere.

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