Archives For food porn

Keifel and I were discussing the feasibility of deep-fried marshmallows. I don’t think it’s possible as the marshmallows would expand making the coating crack and then all the marshmallow goo would leak out into the oil making a spectacular mess.

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Sauce Cake

victoria —  August 4, 2004 — Leave a comment

I have seen many different versions of this and made two, one from a kids’ cookbook that is a chocolate version that just isn’t chocolaty enough and the Nigella version. Here’s my conflagration of the two:

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Cooking successes

victoria —  August 4, 2004 — Leave a comment

We had friends over on Saturday for the previously mentioned black rice dish (which is actually from Forever Summer and not Nigella Bites). It was perfect, in taste, in texture, in presentation. I want to run right out and buy some more to see what else we can do with it.

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“Forbidden Rice”

victoria —  July 30, 2004 — Leave a comment

This weekend our experimenting turns to black rice. It isn’t dyed with squid ink or anything. It’s really that color.

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I have a serious addiction to scones, in all their permutations (outside of the brickbat leaden ones, of course).

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Waffles and food porn

victoria —  June 14, 2004 — Leave a comment

It has become a tradition at my mom’s house to make waffles and bacon every Sunday morning.

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Her name was Zola

keifel —  June 5, 2004 — Leave a comment

Earlier this week we were speaking online and he informed us he was coming and suggested we find somewhere good to eat that had a fairly descent wine list. Being pauperised we didn’t have any immediate experience with such an establishment, but vic asked around the office and the unanimous recommendation was Zola.

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victoria —  May 26, 2004 — Leave a comment

A few of my favorite food blogs and culinaria-type websites. Bon appetit!

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Today, I have been staring down a bag of canistrelli al’anis, which as it turns out is a hard little pillow of French goodness.

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Dream kitchens

victoria —  March 19, 2004 — Leave a comment

I read four or five cooking magazines a month and they always have kitchenporn in them: kitchens that look like movie sets or stadiums with acres of counter space, islands of rare tropical woods, granite or marble countertops, appliances that cost as much as a luxury car and every surface is decorated to within an inch of its life, also known as kitchens in which no one ever cooks.

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